Dance Styles at Adagio
Classical Ballet
This is the foundation of all other dance forms. Adagio promotes this discipline foremostly, although classes are not compulsory. All teachers are highly qualified who bring years of experience to each class in order to safely guide students through the art of Classical Ballet.

Classes we offer :
Nursery Ballet, Pre Steps Ballet.
ISTD Grade Classes : Pre Primary, Primary, Standard 1, Grade 1-6, Intermediate, Advanced 1 and 2.
Pointe work classes for ISTD Grades 4, 5, 6, Intermediate, Advanced 1 and 2.
RAD : Inter Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced. All RAD classes including Pointe work.
Adult Ballet

Mrs Patching has been awarded the prestigious
Association of Russian Ballet and Theatre Arts Award for Outstanding Achievement in Classical Ballet
from Dance School of The Year.
By promoting classical ballet as our core genre, we believe this is the best dance practice to strengthen and enhance all other dance disciplines.
A dancer's journey through Adagio begins with the basics at toddler age where the use of musicality, imagination, storytelling and props starts a pupil's pathway. The progression continues with these fundamentals into the introduction of preparatory steps. When age appropriate other dance genres can be introduced mainly in the form of ISTD and RAD examinations.

of the I.S.T.D
Dancing Times Cup
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019

Tap Dance
A distinct style of dance, tap focuses on intricate footwork to create rhythms and sounds made with metal taps on the soles of the shoes. Tap is known as an American art form with influences from Ireland, England, Africa and even the West Indies. Tap is like playing drums with your feet requiring its pupils to develop fine motor skills, balance and control. Tap is a challenge for both the mind and the body, like other forms of dance Tap is continually evolving and exploring within its genre.
If your child likes to create a noise or follow a beat with their feet then Tap is definitely for them!
Classes we offer :
ISTD Grade Classes : Pre Primary, Primary, Standard 1, Grade 1-6, Intermediate, Advanced 1 and 2.
Adult Beginners and Adult Tap.

Modern Theatre Dance
These popular classes offer a varied and fun way to develop creativity and expression through dance, both individually and as part of a group. Modern dance is often seen on the stages of musical productions and is known for its theatrical qualities. The style uses travelling steps, high kicks, leaps and turns which all need strength and flexibility. This is a highly energetic dance style.
Classes we offer :
ISTD Grade Classes : Pre Primary, Primary, Standard 1, Grade 1-6, Intermediate, Advanced 1 and 2
Street Jazz Dance
These classes offer children from the age of 5 an opportunity to study modern dance without the structure of a syllabus. Starting with a warm up and limbering, followed by combinations of fast thinking steps, pupils are encouraged to explore all aspects of modern dance.
Classes we offer :
Junior : Ages 5-9
Senior : Ages 10+

Street / Hip Hop Dance
This is a cultural movement that emerged in the 1970's and covers a style of music, dance, dress and behaviour. In Hip Hop dance, terms such as Breakin', Top Rocking, Locking, Popping and Floor Rocking are often used. Now in mainstream dance, Hip Hop is being influenced further through fusions with other dance styles, eg. contemporary dance. At Adagio, all tutors in this sphere incorporates all of the above in their classes, making them great fun and accessible to all.
Classes we offer :
Junior : Ages 4-7
Mid : Ages 8-11
Senior : Ages 11+

Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre is a form of theatre combining music, songs , spoken dialogue and dance.
Adagio School of Dance offers specialised Musical Theatre classes in Junior and Senior age ranges that cover both old and new musical genres.
Both classes have the benefit of a musical direction as well as drama and dance to give the pupils the opportunity to be expressive in every aspect of theatre as well as encouraging costume design and staging.
These classes are suitable for any child whether they have experience or not in the world of theatre.
At Adagio our Musical Theatre students have the opportunity to take London Trinity College Musical Theatre Exams.
Our most recent set of exams taken in February 2023 saw 37 out of 37 students achieve distinctions.
Classes we offer :
Junior : Ages 4-9
Senior : Ages 9+


Contemporary Dance
Contemporary dance is a genre of dance performance that developed during the mid-twentieth century and has since grown to become one of the dominant genres for formally trained dancers throughout the world, with particularly strong popularity in the U.S. and Europe. Adagio classes consist of the exploration of ones body and fluidity in spiral movements, balances, floor choreography and much more.
Classes we offer :
Junior : Ages 4-7
Mid : Ages 8-11
Senior : Ages 11+

Gymnastics / acro
Alongside our dance classes, we also offer classes in gymnastics. These classes are structured to enhance the student's flexibility, strength, co-ordination, balance, speed and confidence. Acro combines fluid movements and tricks such as cartwheels, aerials, handsprings, backbends and the splits. It is a physically demanding style, classes at Adagio encourages the individual to build great strength, control and flexibility.
These classes are mat based.
Classes we offer :
Pre, Junior, Mid, Senior
We also offer aerial arts too find out more

Progressive Ballet Technique and bodyconditioning
Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is an innovative body-conditioning and strengthening program that has been designed to enhance students' technique by focussing on training the muscle memory required in each exercise in all forms of dance. It is a unique training system using ballet-technique specific exercises to train skill acquisition in a graded and progressive manner from junior through to advanced levels.
PBT focuses on core strength, weight placement and alignment of the body with a gradual approach of carefully designed exercises and repetitions of these exercises that trigger their muscle memory.
Classes we offer :
These classes are offered in tandem with some of our ISTD Ballet Classes from Grade 4 to Advanced 2.
Find out more here
GCSE Dance
Find out more here